So I've been thinking. Yah, shocker I know. I don't think Anthony is just all that into me. I mean, if he was wouldn't he have asked me out by now? I like to believe so. And besides rumor has it, he is asking out Katie Golden. And by rumor I mean I heard him say it. Well they could easily be a couple, but I know who would wear the pants in that relationship (Katie). Besides, I've done all I could. I made it known that I liked him, and he decided not to take the bait. So there is nothing I can do, can I? Ah well. That is my life. I am fine with being friends with him - he is a lot of fun and easy to talk to. By the way, my long post is done but on a different computer. So sorry.
Of late I have been feeling guilty about eating meat. I mean how can I eat something that was once living?
I find it to be cruel. So, perhaps I will be veg. but I can't let my parents know. They don't approve of me being veg. and rub meat in my face. So farewell orange chicken, potatoe balls, and beef and tomato. I will miss you! And remember:

~Sami~ xoxo
P.S I have decided each post will include a vegetarian picture to inspire me to keep going. And the occasional recipe (all vegetarian!) Thanks for your support! :)
Here's one for you Spaz. I went veg last year although I do occasionally lapse, esp since entire family are sad to lose the meat...
Chickpea, butternut and tomato tagine
1. Chop and fry a medium onion in olive oil.
2. A half a large butternut squash, diced. Fry lightly.
3. Add a tin of chopped tomatoes, 200 ml water, a tin of chickpeas
4. Add 1/2 teapsoon cumin powder
5. Add 10-20 fine slices of fresh ginger root
6. Stir, cover with lid and cook for around 15 mins.
7. Add 12 springs of fresh coriander, chopped. Add fresh ground black pepper to taste.
8. Serve with couscous, quinoa or rice
(PS I am Moanie's mother)
yummy recipe above. might have to try it even as a non-veg. not that i don't like the idea and all....but i'm a carnivore.
anyway, i don't know. don't give up on your boy just yet. boys say all sorts of stuff, especially to other guys, that they don't actually mean. while i understand wanting to just forget about it, i also have discovered that often, if you try to not like someone, you end up liking him more. and totally be friends with him. guy friends are the best. sometimes even better than girls. for one thing, they're a LOT less emotional. my guy friends are some of my best friends in the world, so yeah, stay his friend.
Spaz, I understand you like this Anthony and it sucks when a guy doesn't like us back... But unfortunately that's how it goes. Another time you may not correspond to a guy's feeling... Until finally you find someone who you like and who also likes you and then it's perfect because it's special. It's meaningful. And yes, keep his friendship. I'm friends with really nice guys who once I liked and were like Anthony. Or even guys I went out for a while and it turned out it'd be better be friends... Friends are always welcome!
Besides, in some days you have your trip... It'll be awesome, you'll see!
yay! you're going veg. again!
i'm proud of you :D
i'm sorry about Anthony. but you never know. at least maintain your friendship with him, and see if anything happens :)
much love,
Anthony doesn't fucking like you cause you're a crazy shit head and vegitarians are fucking gay get on your knees and fucking eat my meat bitch
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