Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I know I just posted like an hour ago but real quick. Only like 9 days till I go to D.C and New York and stuff! I need to buy stuff! I need... to make a list. Just so I don't get TO confused (it happens fairly easy.) Eh-he-hem:

~List of Things to Buy~

1) New Shoes (my shoes have got holes in them because since I am humanitarian, I walk to school for the ozone.)
2) Shirts
3) Feather Boa (too long a story!)
4) Pop Rocks (Also long story)
5) Hairbrush (mine exploded)
6) Beach Shorts or Capris (I dont like bermuda's and all I have are skinny and flair jeans)
7) A Bathing Suit (my dog,Taz ate mine)
8) Klauta Ring (for my own entertainment)
9) Top Hat (Well... Its me. Must I say more?)


P.S If I miss anything feel free to tell me. Or if you want to suggest anything. Unless they are strawberry flavored condoms (yes there is such a thing). Then please, please keep it to yourself. buh bi!


supreme_ruler973 said...

hmmmm, sounds like a good list. i prefer fedoras to top hats, but what ever. i say a deck of cards. always comes in handy, i've found. what else did i take to dc? nothing. oh, well. i'm jealous of your trip!

Sami said...

BWahaha. i know you are. I also need to add a dress for the broadway show. And get this: We are going to applebees after! Haha!!! Im dressin fancy to go to Applebees. However it is more fun to go to In'n'Out in ur Pj's, or dressed as mutant teenage ninja turtles. or go to mc donalds, set out a table cloth and a rose (candles arent aloud) and dress like your going to prom.

Anonymous said...

You forgot your dildos you dumb bitch and why the fuck are you posting that fucking retard shoping list anyway? get a fucking life